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Daily / Billing Model

Model Overview

The daily model is trained using daily energy usage intervals and also predicts energy usage in daily intervals. The billing model is identical to the daily model, but allows users to train using billing interval data instead, while handling the daily usage distribution under the hood.

How the Model Works

Model Shape and Balance Points

The daily model, at its core, utilizes a piecewise linear regression model that predicts energy usage relative to temperature. The model determines temperature balance points at which energy usage starts changing relative to temperature.

Daily Model Balance Points

The key terms to understand here are:

  • Balance Points: Outdoor temperature thresholds beyond which heating and cooling effects are observed.
  • Heating and Cooling Coefficients: Rate of increase of energy use per change in temperature beyond the balance points.
  • Temperature Independent Load: The regression intercept (height of the flat line in the diagram).

Based on the site behavior, there are four different model types that may be generated: - Heating and Cooling Loads - Heating Only Load - Cooling Only Load - Temperature Independent Load

Different Model Types

When the model is fit, each site will receive its own unique model fit and coefficients. The general model fitting process is as follows:

  1. Balance points are estimated with a global optimization algorithm.
  2. Sum of Squares Error (SSE) is minimized with Lasso regression inspired penalization.
  3. The best model type is determined (ex. cooling load only model)
  4. The model best fit is found using SSE.

Model Splits

The process described above is effective but may have shortcomings in real life data if energy usage changes fundamentally during different time periods.

For example, what if a site is more populated during a particular season (for example, a Summer House or Ski Lodge) or during weekdays (for example, offices and most homes). This may result in models that fail to accurately predict energy usage because they are trying to account for all time periods at once.

Seasonal Misalignment Weekday Misalignment

To combat this, the model will create "splits" that will store independent models for different seasons or weekday/weekend combinations, but only if necessary.

The general process is as follows:

  1. Create models using all possible splits of season/weekday|weekend.
  2. Calculate modified BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) for each preliminary combination.
  3. Select combination with the smallest BICmod.
  4. Best model type is inferred and best fit is found.

This provides a standardized process for splitting the model to better predict energy usage by certain time periods (if the benefit outweighs the additional model complexity).

Model split by season

Using the Daily Model


In this section, we'll walk through an example of creating a Daily Model and predicting usage with it.

If you'd like to follow along, be sure to begin with the following imports. Numpy is used for one example of a disqualified meter, and matplotlib is used for plotting the data. Neither are required imports if you're not following along with the example precisely.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import eemeter

Loading Example Data

With our imports set, we can begin by loading some example data. Here we use a built in utility function to load some prepared test data.

This function returns two dataframes of daily electricity data, one for the baseline period and one for the reporting period.

df_baseline, df_reporting =  eemeter.load_test_data("daily_treatment_data")

If we inspect these dataframes, we will notice that there are 100 meters for you to experiment with, indexed by meter id and datetime.

id      datetime                    temperature observed
108618  2018-01-01 00:00:00-06:00   -2.384038   16635.193673
        2018-01-02 00:00:00-06:00   1.730000    15594.051162
        2018-01-03 00:00:00-06:00   13.087946   11928.025899
        2018-01-04 00:00:00-06:00   4.743269    14399.333812
        2018-01-05 00:00:00-06:00   4.130577    14315.101721
... ... ... ...
120841  2018-12-27 00:00:00-06:00   52.010625   1153.749811
        2018-12-28 00:00:00-06:00   35.270000   1704.076968
        2018-12-29 00:00:00-06:00   29.630000   2151.225729
        2018-12-30 00:00:00-06:00   34.250000   1331.123954
        2018-12-31 00:00:00-06:00   43.311250   1723.397349

To simplify things, we will filter down to a single meter for the rest of the example. Let's filter down to id 108618.

df_baseline_108618 = df_baseline.loc[108618]
df_reporting_108618 = df_reporting.loc[108618]

If we inspect one of these dataframes, we will now notice that only a single meter is present with 365 days of data in each dataframe.

datetime                    temperature observed
2018-01-01 00:00:00-06:00   -2.384038   16635.193673
2018-01-02 00:00:00-06:00   1.730000    15594.051162
2018-01-03 00:00:00-06:00   13.087946   11928.025899
2018-01-04 00:00:00-06:00   4.743269    14399.333812
2018-01-05 00:00:00-06:00   4.130577    14315.101721
... ... ...
2018-12-27 00:00:00-06:00   46.602066   4528.347029
2018-12-28 00:00:00-06:00   38.346724   5647.646228
2018-12-29 00:00:00-06:00   28.614456   5338.377496
2018-12-30 00:00:00-06:00   29.186923   6280.238343
2018-12-31 00:00:00-06:00   36.510441   4966.566443

Also notice the general structure of these dataframes for a single meter. We have three columns: 1. A timezone-aware datetime index. 2. A temperature column (float) in Fahrenheit (be sure to convert any other units to Fahrenheit first). 3. Observed meter usage (float). Our example is electricity data in kWh, but it could also be gas data.

We can stop to plot this data to get a better understanding of the general behavior of this meter.

ax = df_baseline_108618['observed'].plot(label='Observed Usage', color='blue')
df_baseline_108618['temperature'].plot(ax=ax, secondary_y=True, label='Temperature (F)', color='orange')

ax.set_ylabel('Observed Usage (kWh)')
ax.right_ax.set_ylabel('Temperature (F)')

ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax.right_ax.legend(loc='upper right')

plt.title('Observed Usage and Temperature in the Baseline Period')


Daily Baseline Data

If we observe the data we can see a full year of data with observed usage peaking in the winter and lowering in the summer with warmer temperatures. It's clear that this site is located in a colder climate and uses more electricity in the winter.

Loading Data into EEmeter Data Objects

With our sample data loaded into dataframes, we can create our Baseline and Reporting Data objects. Note that only the baseline period is needed to fit a model, but we will use our reporting period data to predict against.

baseline_data = eemeter.eemeter.DailyBaselineData(df_baseline_108618, is_electricity_data=True)
reporting_data = eemeter.eemeter.DailyReportingData(df_reporting_108618, is_electricity_data=True)

These classes are critical to ensure standardized data loaded into the model, and they also scan the data to check for data sufficiency and other criteria that might cause a model to be disqualified (unable to build a model of sufficient integrity).

As a note, you can also instantiate these data classes with two separate meter usage and temperature Series objects, both indexed by timezone-aware datetime.

baseline_data = eemeter.eemeter.DailyBaselineData.from_series(df_baseline_108618['observed'], df_baseline_108618['temperature'], is_electricity_data=True)

With data classes successfully instantiated, we can also check for any disqualifications or warnings before moving on to the model fitting step.

print(f"Disqualifications: {baseline_data.disqualification}")
print(f"Warnings:          {baseline_data.warnings}")
Disqualifications: []
Warnings:          [EEMeterWarning(qualified_name=eemeter.sufficiency_criteria.unable_to_confirm_daily_temperature_sufficiency), 

From this, we can see that no disqualifications are present but there are some warnings to be aware of as we proceed. Neither of these warnings will necessarily stop us from creating a model.

Before we move on, also notice that you can access the underlying dataframe in each object like follows to see exactly what will be loaded into the model.

datetime                    season  weekday_weekend temperature observed
2018-01-01 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         -2.384038   16635.193673
2018-01-02 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         1.730000    15594.051162
2018-01-03 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         13.087946   11928.025899
2018-01-04 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         4.743269    14399.333812
2018-01-05 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         4.130577    14315.101721

Creating the Model

The daily model follows the general process of: 1. Initialize 2. Fit 3. Predict

We can do this easily as follows:

daily_model = eemeter.eemeter.DailyModel()

Before we move to predicting against a dataframe, we can actually use the built in plot function (requiring matplotlib) to plot the performance of the model against the provided data.


Daily Baseline Observed vs. Model

From this graph we can also observe model splits and model types as described in the Model Splits section. We can observe the following models:

  1. Shoulder/Winter - Weekday
  2. Summer - Weekday
  3. Summer/Shoulder/Winter - Weekend

This illustrates that Summer/Shoulder/Winter weekends were similar enough to be modeled together, but Summer weekdays and Shoulder/Winter weekdays were different enough to require separate models. All of this complexity is handled under the hood, and the model will utilize the correct model when predicting usage automatically.

We can also use this function to plot the model prediction against the reporting period as follows:


Daily Reporting Observed vs. Model

In this plot we can see that the site is using significantly less energy in colder temperatures compared to the model / baseline period. Perhaps this site installed an efficiency intervention that saves energy in colder temperatures?

Predicting with the Model and Calculating Savings

With our fit model, we can now predict across a given reporting period as follows:

df_results = daily_model.predict(reporting_data)
datetime                    season  day_of_week weekday_weekend temperature observed    predicted       predicted_unc   heating_load    cooling_load    model_split model_type                                          
2019-01-01 00:00:00-06:00   winter  2           weekday         -2.384038   9294.220619 15610.330791    1181.674285     14344.873494    0.0             wd-sh_wi    hdd_tidd_cdd_smooth
2019-01-02 00:00:00-06:00   winter  3           weekday         1.730000    8073.766329 14464.613486    1181.674285     13199.156189    0.0             wd-sh_wi    hdd_tidd_cdd_smooth
2019-01-03 00:00:00-06:00   winter  4           weekday         13.087946   5261.174665 11322.966704    1181.674285     10057.509407    0.0             wd-sh_wi    hdd_tidd_cdd_smooth
2019-01-04 00:00:00-06:00   winter  5           weekday         4.743269    6775.499525 13627.487003    1181.674285     12362.029706    0.0             wd-sh_wi    hdd_tidd_cdd_smooth
2019-01-05 00:00:00-06:00   winter  6           weekend         4.130577    6735.513000 11690.139993    1224.574703     11200.780385    0.0             we-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd_smooth

We can also plot the observed usage vs. the predicted usage.

ax = df_results['observed'].plot(label='Observed Usage', color='blue')
df_results['predicted'].plot(ax=ax, label='Predicted Usage', color='orange')

ax.set_ylabel('Observed Usage (kWh)')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.title('Observed Usage and Temperature in the Baseline Period')

Daily Reporting Observed vs. Model

From here, we can easily calculate savings by subtracting observed usage from predicted usage.

df_results['savings'] = df_results['predicted'] - df_results['observed']
print(f"Predicted Usage (kWh):  {round(df_results['predicted'].sum(), 2)}")
print(f"Observed Usage (kWh):   {round(df_results['observed'].sum(), 2)}")
print(f"Savings (kWh):          {round(df_results['savings'].sum(), 2)}")
Predicted Usage (kWh):  1297651.07
Observed Usage (kWh):   632077.62
Savings (kWh):          665573.45

Model Serialization

After creating a model, we can also serialize it for storage and read it back in later.

saved_model = daily_model.to_json()
"submodels": {
    "wd-su": {
    "coefficients": {
        "model_type": "tidd_cdd_smooth",
        "intercept": 1036.62605016263,
        "hdd_bp": null,
        "hdd_beta": null,
        "hdd_k": null,
        "cdd_bp": 63.112946428571426,
        "cdd_beta": 55.8938901507189,
        "cdd_k": 7.610345707770536
    "temperature_constraints": {
        "T_min": 56.096346153846156,
        "T_max": 85.60365384615385,
        "T_min_seg": 63.112946428571426,
        "T_max_seg": 81.97444606863725
    "f_unc": 287.2717928729389
    "wd-sh_wi": {
    "coefficients": {
        "model_type": "hdd_tidd_cdd_smooth",
        "intercept": 1265.4572967952768,
        "hdd_bp": 48.66708982684446,
        "hdd_beta": 280.56118289086174,
        "hdd_k": 0.4861025625521579,
        "cdd_bp": 74.4246153846154,
        "cdd_beta": 76.12622638483967,
        "cdd_k": 0.2941773382321021
    "temperature_constraints": {
        "T_min": -2.3840384615384616,
        "T_max": 79.53846153846153,
        "T_min_seg": 13.432307692307694,
        "T_max_seg": 74.4246153846154
    "f_unc": 1181.6742853434923
    "we-su_sh_wi": {
    "coefficients": {
        "model_type": "hdd_tidd_cdd_smooth",
        "intercept": 489.35960795932726,
        "hdd_bp": 51.43882581026119,
        "hdd_beta": 236.45604355078808,
        "hdd_k": 0.4856836346837153,
        "cdd_bp": 74.55925252366727,
        "cdd_beta": 66.31199103689823,
        "cdd_k": 0.36878985440304235
    "temperature_constraints": {
        "T_min": 6.881923076923076,
        "T_max": 87.51442307692308,
        "T_min_seg": 23.602702266483515,
        "T_max_seg": 81.8328021978022
    "f_unc": 1224.5747026357867
"info": {
    "error": {
    "wRMSE": 580.7962073579329,
    "RMSE": 580.7962073579328,
    "MAE": 380.9965311661661,
    "CVRMSE": 0.16332929359071596,
    "PNRMSE": 0.06465498558194696
    "baseline_timezone": "America/Chicago",
    "disqualification": [],
    "warnings": [
        "qualified_name": "eemeter.sufficiency_criteria.unable_to_confirm_daily_temperature_sufficiency",
        "description": "Cannot confirm that pre-aggregated temperature data had sufficient hours kept",
        "data": {}
        "qualified_name": "eemeter.sufficiency_criteria.extreme_values_detected",
        "description": "Extreme values (greater than (median + (3 * IQR)), must be flagged for manual review.",
        "data": {
        "n_extreme_values": 2,
        "median": 2527.7263175451776,
        "upper_quantile": 5347.202740928209,
        "lower_quantile": 1247.7751658179252,
        "extreme_value_limit": 14826.00904287603,
        "max_value": 16635.193672683698
"settings": {
    "algorithm_choice": "nlopt_sbplx",
    "allow_separate_shoulder": true,
    "allow_separate_summer": true,
    "allow_separate_weekday_weekend": true,
    "allow_separate_winter": true,
    "alpha_final": "adaptive",
    "alpha_final_type": "last",
    "alpha_minimum": -100.0,
    "alpha_selection": 2.0,
    "cvrmse_threshold": 1.0,
    "developer_mode": false,
    "final_bounds_scalar": 1.0,
    "full_model": "hdd_tidd_cdd",
    "initial_guess_algorithm_choice": "nlopt_direct",
    "initial_smoothing_parameter": 0.5,
    "initial_step_percentage": 0.1,
    "is_weekday": {
    "1": true,
    "2": true,
    "3": true,
    "4": true,
    "5": true,
    "6": false,
    "7": false
    "maximum_slope_OoM_scaler": 2.0,
    "reduce_splits_by_gaussian": true,
    "reduce_splits_num_std": [
    "regularization_alpha": 0.001,
    "regularization_percent_lasso": 1.0,
    "season": {
    "1": "winter",
    "2": "winter",
    "3": "shoulder",
    "4": "shoulder",
    "5": "shoulder",
    "6": "summer",
    "7": "summer",
    "8": "summer",
    "9": "summer",
    "10": "shoulder",
    "11": "winter",
    "12": "winter"
    "segment_minimum_count": 6,
    "smoothed_model": true,
    "split_selection_criteria": "bic",
    "split_selection_penalty_multiplier": 0.24,
    "split_selection_penalty_power": 2.061,
    "uncertainty_alpha": 0.1

Afterwards, we can instantiate the model as follows:

loaded_model = eemeter.eemeter.DailyModel.from_json(saved_model)

Billing Data / Model Differences

The Daily Model section generally applies to billing data as the same underlying model is used, but there are some key things to be aware of. It is strongly recommended to read the daily model section before this section.

Loading Example Data

Like the daily model, we will start by loading some specific billing data.

df_baseline, df_reporting = eemeter.load_test_data("monthly_treatment_data")

If we inspect these dataframes, we will notice that there are 100 meters for you to experiment with, indexed by meter id and datetime. Like before, we will filter to a single meter.

df_baseline_108618 = df_baseline.loc[108618]
df_reporting_108618 = df_reporting.loc[108618]

If we inspect one of these dataframes, we will now notice that only a single meter is present with 365 days of data in each dataframe.

id      datetime                     temperature     observed                       
108618  2018-01-01 00:00:00-06:00    -2.384038  257406.539278
        2018-01-02 00:00:00-06:00     1.730000            NaN
        2018-01-03 00:00:00-06:00    13.087946            NaN
        2018-01-04 00:00:00-06:00     4.743269            NaN
        2018-01-05 00:00:00-06:00     4.130577            NaN
...                                       ...            ...
120841  2018-12-27 00:00:00-06:00    52.010625            NaN
        2018-12-28 00:00:00-06:00    35.270000            NaN
        2018-12-29 00:00:00-06:00    29.630000            NaN
        2018-12-30 00:00:00-06:00    34.250000            NaN
        2018-12-31 00:00:00-06:00    43.311250            NaN

However, notice that we only have one observed value per month, even though we still have daily temperature data. The observed usage in a given month will be spread evenly across all days in the month when we instantiate the data classes.

Loading Data into EEmeter Data Objects

Like the daily model, we will instantiate data objects, but this time we will use the Billing variant.

billing_baseline_data = eemeter.eemeter.BillingBaselineData(df_baseline_108618, is_electricity_data=True)
billing_reporting_data = eemeter.eemeter.BillingReportingData(df_reporting_108618, is_electricity_data=True)

Notice that the observed usage for each day is automatically spread evenly from the monthly usage provided.

datetime                    season  weekday_weekend temperature observed
2018-01-01 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         -2.384038   8303.436751
2018-01-02 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         1.730000    8303.436751
2018-01-03 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         13.087946   8303.436751
2018-01-04 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         4.743269    8303.436751
2018-01-05 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         4.130577    8303.436751
... ... ... ... ...
2018-12-27 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         46.602066   5288.700172
2018-12-28 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         38.346724   5288.700172
2018-12-29 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekend         28.614456   5288.700172
2018-12-30 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekend         29.186923   5288.700172
2018-12-31 00:00:00-06:00   winter  weekday         36.510441   5288.700172

Creating the Model and Predicting

With the data classes instantiated, we can now fit and predict like normal.

billing_model = eemeter.eemeter.BillingModel().fit(billing_baseline_data, ignore_disqualification=False)
datetime                    season  day_of_week weekday_weekend temperature observed    predicted   predicted_unc   heating_load    cooling_load    model_split model_type                      
2019-01-01 00:00:00-06:00   winter  2           weekday         -2.384038   3655.09121  9733.728179 2316.237742     8530.919994     0.0             fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-01-02 00:00:00-06:00   winter  3           weekday         1.730000    3655.09121  9235.507988 2316.237742     8032.699803     0.0             fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-01-03 00:00:00-06:00   winter  4           weekday         13.087946   3655.09121  7860.032700 2316.237742     6657.224516     0.0             fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-01-04 00:00:00-06:00   winter  5           weekday         4.743269    3655.09121  8870.593662 2316.237742     7667.785478     0.0             fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-01-05 00:00:00-06:00   winter  6           weekend         4.130577    3655.09121  8944.792210 2316.237742     7741.984025     0.0             fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd

Notice that the returned data is at the daily level, showing daily predictions and observed values. We can also aggregate this data up to a higher level as follows.

print(billing_model.predict(billing_reporting_data, aggregation="monthly"))
datetime                    season      temperature observed        predicted       predicted_unc   heating_load    cooling_load    model_split model_type                              
2019-01-01 00:00:00-06:00   winter      25.612211   113307.827517   196642.717137   12896.265955    159355.663417   0.000000        fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-02-01 00:00:00-06:00   winter      29.523429   81056.766022    164350.346292   12256.378085    130671.717126   0.000000        fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-03-01 00:00:00-06:00   shoulder    36.122525   62783.320515    157185.144004   12896.265955    119898.090284   0.000000        fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-04-01 00:00:00-05:00   shoulder    40.599556   53542.223426    135849.270725   12686.556598    99765.025189    0.000000        fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-05-01 00:00:00-05:00   shoulder    64.969863   31089.429512    59427.613500    12896.265955    22047.507990    93.051790       fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-06-01 00:00:00-05:00   summer      70.262968   29346.533659    43017.949048    12686.556598    6801.829282     131.874231      fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-07-01 00:00:00-05:00   summer      75.915400   32743.001296    37549.881062    12896.265955    0.000000        262.827342      fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-08-01 00:00:00-05:00   summer      75.706736   33660.542162    38028.046427    12896.265955    480.770213      260.222494      fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-09-01 00:00:00-05:00   summer      68.480234   30381.828023    46721.644687    12686.556598    10530.068712    107.330440      fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-10-01 00:00:00-05:00   shoulder    52.733661   34995.917728    97491.932913    12896.265955    60181.378730    23.500463       fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-11-01 00:00:00-05:00   winter      35.239608   63200.887271    155322.359404   12686.556598    119238.113869   0.000000        fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd
2019-12-01 00:00:00-06:00   winter      33.696016   65969.341170    166294.687445   12896.265955    129007.633726   0.000000        fw-su_sh_wi hdd_tidd_cdd

With the monthly aggregation, the resulting dataframe is aggregated by month and 12 rows are returned.